Break the Cycle


What if they were sent to trigger you to wake up to what really needs healing?

Why don't you just leave him?

Can't you see he's not good for you?

You haven't been the same bright light since being with him...

He is sucking the life and energy out of you...

For family and friends on the outside, the answer is so clear and simple... just leave.

Yet if it really was that simple, why is it so hard to leave?

Why do you find yourself always going back?

They don't see how he can treat you like a queen at times.

They don't understand the intense passion and connection you share.

There really is an amazing side to him.

He can treat you better than anyone else has and there are moments when you really do feel on top of the world.

The sex is mind blowing.

The good times override any of the bad.

You understand it's just his trauma that is being projected onto you.

You find yourself making excuses for his behaviour.

Yet no matter how many times you fight and break up, he apologises, you forgive him and then you find yourself back in the toxic cycle of highs and lows.

The highs are better than any high you have ever felt and the lows are excruciatingly painful.

There is a voice in the back of your mind telling you to leave, yet everytime you go to leave, things take a turn for the better.

You get comfortable again.

Then something else happens and another fight has kicked off.

You are back to where you started.

You find yourself stuck...

How do you get off this emotional roller-coaster?

Or maybe you do leave, you take time to heal, you start working on your own personal development and then you find love again...

Only to find that you're back in the same toxic cycle that you had worked so hard to leave.

You're faced with the same demon in another person.

Is it you?

Why are you so unlucky in love?

I hear you sister.

This was me.

Stuck in a toxic cycle wondering what on earth I did to deserve this.

Wondering why was I meeting the same person over and over again in a different body.

It wasn't until I started to really work on the root of the problems that had allowed me to unknowingly choose relationships that would give me the same result aka heartbreak, abuse, abandonment, codependency, lies, deceit... did everything start to make sense.

My life shifted.

The cycle was finally broken.

The problem isn't you.

The problem lies in your programming, your past trauma, your childhood, your limiting beliefs, your energetic blocks, your karmic contracts, your unhealed pain...

Until you start to do the deep work required, you may find yourself settling for relationships that hurt your soul and dim your light.

If these words resonate with you, I encourage you to choose you and your happiness.

Please don't allow yourself to be stuck in this cycle.

Are you ready to break free?

Are you ready to take charge of your happiness?

There is a reason you were led to this page…

Hi I’m Maz,

I’m a Best Selling Author, Energy Healer, and Coach.

I help, guide, and empower women to remove and heal all the energetic and subconscious blocks, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours using the Phoenix Rising Method.

I wasn't always doing these things. I had to overcome many obstacles such as homelessness, childhood traumas, abuse, toxic relationships, addictions, eating disorders, depression, and the biggest battle of all, myself.

My soul mission is to help women like YOU to align to your HIGHEST POTENTIAL by guiding you to remove all of the energetic, subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that are preventing you from being your BEST SELF, heal from your past pain and trauma, recognize your behavioral patterns and BREAK TOXIC CYCLES you may have found yourself in with not only others but yourself. Why survive in life when we can thrive?

Let’s work together and UNLEASH YOUR INNER PHOENIX

I know just how hard it can be trying to navigate this journey alone. This is why I have dedicated my career to helping women stuck, lost, and confused. I know what it’s like to have a voice in the back of your mind telling you that there’s more… you were meant for more… life shouldn’t be this hard…

Why spend years stumbling around in your pain and sorrow, let me walk by your side and help guide you to your higher self.

Why stay stuck in a toxic cycle when there is so much abundance out there waiting for you to tap into?

If you are serious about change and are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, let’s work together and uncover your subconscious and energetic blocks, the behavioral patterns keeping you stuck and break the limiting beliefs and self sabotaging cycle you have found yourself in.

Let’s work together so you can release all that no longer serves you.

What results can I expect?

You can expect to:

Learn how to make life work for you rather than against you and step into your true power.


• Have big breakthroughs and ah ha moments

• Health benefits, living stress free

• Let go and release trauma in the body

• Forgive yourself & others & find more peace and compassion

• Anxiety dissipates and peace and calm sets in

• Creating new standards for yourself

• Fill your gas tank & learn how to self-nurture

• Reaching for your passions in life

• Discover yourself & set goals and reach them

• Feel empowered & excited about the future

• Fall back in love with yourself

• Breakout in Creativity

• Vibrate as a loving being, and become truly unconditionally loving with all your relationships

(even the most intense ones that normally trigger you)

• Develop more compassion for yourself and others

• Be clear concise and honest in your communication

• Create healthy boundaries

• Have more ease and grace in your life

• Truly love the version of yourself that shows up to play this game called life

• Learn how to say NO and honour your yes and no’s

• Find your happiness

• Watch your best life unfold with ease

• Connect with your intuition

• Create DEEP intimacy and meaning in your personal relationships

• Understand how your soul is awakening and developing

• End the drama cycles and patterns

• Raise your self-esteem and self confidence

• Rewrite your story

• Open your heart and expand into your TRUE being

• How to see your relationships as mirrors and open channels for transformation

• Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself – (a lot of my clients tell me that is worth the investment alone).

• Learn proven techniques for releasing your internal resistance, self-sabotaging tendencies so you can take action and start living your passion and purpose with ease.




I only work with those I know I can help, let’s connect for 10-15 min so I can get a better understanding of your current situation and where you want to be, if I can help, we will run though what it would look like working together. If not, I have a beautiful network and an abundance of resources I can refer you to. Regardless, by the end of the call, you will know the right next step for you.

There is a reason you have been led to this page, let’s chat and see how I can best serve you. Click the button below to book a free call.