Why survive through life when you can thrive?

Do you know in your soul that you have suppressed unhealed pain and trauma that is blocking you from living your life in full authenticity?

Are you stuck in a toxic cycle within yourself or with others?

Does it feel like life is such a struggle and you want so badly to feel happiness? You know it can be achieved because you see other people in peace. Yet you feel chaos, emptiness, something missing in your heart and in your life.

Why does it feel like something is missing? You don’t quite know what it is but you sure can feel the void of something significantly important.

I get it. I've struggled with this for years... how was other people thriving in life and here I was struggling to survive?

I was homeless. I was always broke. I was always struggling to make ends meet. I suffered from depression, overeating, overindulging and turned to partying to escape. I found myself stuck on a hamster wheel of toxic relationships and was craving to find happiness but didn’t know how.

Fast forward I am now a published Author, and have been featured in magazines, newspapers, and TV around the world. I am now blessed and extremely honoured to be coaching and helping people that are struggling just as I once was. It is my mission and passion to help transform lives for the better. We all deserve to be someone we can truly be proud of.

Abundance is available to everyone, including you.

Join me in my FREE Facebook Group where I share the secrets behind manifesting, healing, spirituality and personal development, and how it really works.

This will:

  • Help you unlock your inner Phoenix.

  • Understand the secret to activate the Law of Attraction and make it start working in your favour.

  • Allow you to start living the life you want and feel at peace with yourself and others.

  • Understand what you are currently doing that is blocking your abundance.

  • Help you understand exactly what you need to start doing to start releasing the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviours that do not serve you.

  • Give you tools and insights on your healing journey.

Why have I created this group?? Because it is my soul purpose to help others stuck in mindsets, cycles, and positions I used to be in. If you are still reading this, then what have you got to lose?

I don't believe in coincidences and there's a reason you are still here.




Maz Dela Cerna is a Energy Healer, Shadow Worker, Spiritual Coach, and the Founder of Phoenix Rising Collective.  She coaches, guides and empowers women around the world to remove and heal all the energetic and subconscious blocks, limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviours using the Phoenix Rising Method.

Maz is also the Creator of Phoenix Rising Collective YouTube channel and Author of “I Deserve Better” a book on healing, transformation and breaking out of toxic cycles not only with yourself but with others. So she knows a thing or two about healing and breaking free from the blocks that are keeping you stuck. 

Maz believes that in order to manifest and create the life you want, you must first take accountability and ownership of yourself so you can step into your power and rewrite your destiny. After battling with homelessness, depression, eating disorders, drug addictions, a string of toxic relationships, sexual abuse, and childhood trauma she founded Phoenix Rising Collective to help women break free from the lack mindset and heal all the blocks that are holding them back from the life that they desire.

Her process involves uncovering the subconscious thoughts, increasing self-awareness, revealing energetic blocks, and unhealed trauma that may not even be known to her clients and then guiding them through a process of deep healing so that they can release what no longer serves them and become aligned to receive the greatness that the world has to offer. From what started as documenting her weight loss journey to becoming a sponsored bikini athlete 6 years ago, she has now helped and inspired thousands of women to look within and dig into subconscious thought patterns and behaviours so that they can uncover their inner Phoenix and heal from past pain and trauma keeping them stuck. 

When she’s not helping people overcome toxic cycles and transform their lives, she’s probably travelling or eating delicious food with a nice glass of vino on a rooftop bar, or chilling in nature. Her favourite thing to do is have dance parties in her apartment when no-one is watching. Ready to start attracting all the things you want in life? Book a call to see if she can help you.

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